monitor process and restart linux

monitor process and restart linux

can stop or restart apache and send you an alert message. Monit can also monitor process characteristics, such as; how much memory or cpu cycles a process is using. Processes You can use Monit to monitor Monit is particularly ...

相關軟體 Process Explorer 下載

Process Lasso是一款系統優化工具。它可以將各種運行中的程式設定合理的優先順序,進而達到減輕系統負擔的效果,可以避免藍屏、程式沒有回應、cpu佔用的狀況。適用於普通電腦使用者以及專業的資訊工作環境。 可脫離使用者介面單獨運行 ...

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  • can stop or restart apache and send you an alert message. Monit can also monitor process c...
    Monit - Official Site
  • I've googled and read several scripts that monitor a process then restart it if its cr...
    Monitor Process and restart if not Running
  • Monitor a process Ask Question up vote 4 down vote favorite 3 Is there a way I a process c...
    linux - Monitor a process - Stack Overflow
  • How to restart (or reset) a running process in linux up vote 3 down vote favorite 1 I have...
    monitoring - How to restart (or reset) a running process in linux - Unix & Linux Stack...
  • How do I kill a process called inetd or foo and restart the same so that configuration fil...
    Linux / UNIX killing a process and restarting the same
  • Designing a monitor process for monitoring and restarting processes Ask Question up vote 2...
    c - Designing a monitor process for monitoring and restarting processes - Stack Overflow
  • Monitor and restart UNIX process Hi all, Tearing my hair out..! I have a requirement to mo...
    Monitor and restart UNIX process | Unix Linux Forums | Shell Programming and Scripting
  • How to supervise and automatically restart a process? up vote 24 down vote favorite 9 I wa...
    services - How to supervise and automatically restart a process? - Ask Ubuntu
  • How to monitor a Windows process and restart it when it goes down? Q: Certain processes on...
    How to monitor a Windows process and restart it when it goes down? | IPHost Network Monito...
  • In some cases it might be useful to monitor if (and how often) a process on a Linux system...
    Monitoring processes in Linux | Paessler Knowledge Base
  • 2013年12月3日 - Traditionally, Linux has used sysvinit, which is basically the collection .....
    How to monitor a service and restart if stopped in Linux - Super User
  • I'm pretty new to linux - and my scripting is useless. ... I've googled and read s...
    Monitor Process and restart if not Running - LinuxQuestions
  • 2016年11月28日 - I know that's not what you're asking, but your approach seems too m...
    cron - Monitor process and restart when not running using crontab ...
  • 2010年8月20日 - There are various ways to restart a failed daemon, the usual ... The watchdo...
    monitoring - Ensure a process is always running - Unix & Linux Stack ...
  • 2015年6月6日 - The normal way to do this is to let your program exit, and use a monitoring s...
    monitoring - How to restart (or reset) a running process in linux - Unix ...
  • 2011年5月19日 - I'd suggest Monit. You can install it from Synaptic or sudo apt-get inst...
    monitoring - monitor or watch a process and restart if it goes down ...
  • 2013年11月23日 - Here is a script I use to monitor if a process on a system is running. Scri...
    bash - Linux Script to check if process is running & act on the result ...
  • 2008年11月18日 - One key feature is that it can restart a service if it dies unexpectedly. ....
    How to make sure an application keeps running on Linux - Stack ...
  • 2009年8月11日 - You could also use /etc/inittab to restart dead processes using the respawn ...
    linux - Simple way of restarting crashed processes? - Server Fault